Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

In France, close links exist with groups at Orsay (proofs and programs, V. Benzaken; bio-informatics, C. Froidevaux; machine learning, M. Sebag; information visualization, J.-D. Fekete), with the Cedric Group at CNAM-Paris; some INRIA groups (Dahu, L. Segoufin, at INRIA-Saclay, Zenith, P. Valduriez at Montpellier; Exmo, J. Euzenat, at INRIA Rhone-Alpes; Mostrare at INRIA-Nord-Europe); some INSERM group (Ingéniérie des connaissances e-santé, J. Charlet), the BIA group at INRA (P. Buche, C. Dervin), the IRIT of the University of Toulouse (N. Aussenac), the LIRMM of the University of Montpellier (M. Chein, M-L. Mugnier), INRA/CIRAD Montpellier (P. Buche, S. Destercke and R. Thomopoulos) and INRA-AgroParisTech (J. Dibie-Barthélémy)

ANR Codex

Participants : Dario Colazzo, François Goasdoué, Konstantinos Karanasos, Ioana Manolescu.

The Codex ANR grant (ANR-2008-DEFIS-004) has been extended until 2012. We have finalized important parts of our work on materialized views for XML [41] , [35] and for the Semantic Web [21] .

ANR ConnectedClouds

Participants : Dario Colazzo, François Goasdoué, Ioana Manolescu, Jesùs Camacho_Rodriguez.

This one-year ANR grant (2011-2012) concerns our research on cloud-based data management, in particular XML data. We have studied strategies for indexing XML content in a cloud-environment and built a prototype to test them.

ANR DataBridges

Participants : François Goasdoué, Ioana Manolescu, Nathalie Pernelle, Gianluca Quercini, Chantal Reynaud, Brigitte Safar, Fatiha Saïs.

This one-year ANR grant (2011-2012) is devoted to research on data integration in particular through the technologies and models of Open Data, with a particular interest in applications connected to the Digital Cities.

ANR Dataring

Participants : Asterios Katsifodimos, Ioana Manolescu.

The Dataring ANR grant has been extended until 2012. Within Dataring, we have proposed scalable algorithms for automatically recommending materialized XML views, in collaboration with V. Vassalos (AUEB, Greece). This has lead to a submitted publication.

ANR Geonto

Participants : Fayçal Hamdi, Nathalie Pernelle, Chantal Reynaud, Brigitte Safar, Fatiha Saïs.

This ANR Masses de Données et de Connaissances project (2008-2011) focused on geographic data interoperability. On one hand, we aim at integrating heterogeneous geographic databases using schema matching techniques. On the other hand, we aim at querying a large collection of textual documents which are more various and for a larger readership than databases. This project is a collaboration between COGIT-IGN (Sébastien Mustière), the IC3 group at IRIT - Université Paul Sabatier (Nathalie Aussenac) and the DESI group at LIUPPA - Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (Mauro Gaio). The home page of the project could be found at: http://geonto.lri.fr .


Participants : Rania Khefifi, Fatiha Saïs.

The objectives of PIMI (Personal Information Management Through Internet) ANR pro ject (2010-2013) are the definition of a design environment and a deployment platform for Personal Information Management System (PIMS). The future PIMS must provide the end-user personal data access with services that are relevant to his needs. Ontologies will be used to describe semantically the services and the user needs. Ontology matching techniques will be de?ned to compare the services and the user needs during the automatic service composition. In order to take mobility into account, the PIMS will be accessed both by mobile devices (smartphone) and Internet-connected Personal Computers. This project is a collaboration between Leo team, ForTesSE team from LRI, IRIT, IT (Institut Telecom), GENIGRAPH, Montimage, Région Midi-Pyrénées and CTIE from Luxembourg


Participant : Laurent Simon.

The UNLOC project (2008-2011) finishes this year. The project aims at studying and proposing new frameworks for SAT algorithms, based on more uncompleteness. The Glucose 1.0, GlucosER and Glucose 2.0 systems were developed within this project.

Participation to evaluation committees

  • C. Reynaud has participated to the evaluation committee of the non thematic ANR program "Blanc" Science Informatique et Application (SIMI2) 2011 and of the thematic ANR program "Contenus numériques et interactions" (CONTINT) 2011.